
by almosh82 • Uploaded: Oct. 13 '09 - Gallerized: Oct. '09


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Status: Just for fun
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Lets Discuss

Type08 Oct. 15 '09

Just 2 thoughts - with a shadow this looks more like a 'discoglobe' or 'discoworld' and did you maybe try to leave it in the natural position - hanging from a sealing with the name below it? Without the shadow in that case of course...

almosh82 Oct. 15 '09

Thanks for the comments Guys!!%0D* Alen,I tried making it hang from the ceiling,but it did not turn out well,that is why the shadow.And the name discocity,because that is the city skyline in black.Appreciate the float:)%0D*

JohnM Oct. 16 '09

man that's inspiring!

j-CAZ Oct. 16 '09

This is indeed great. What kind of business did you imagine this to be?

cseven Oct. 16 '09

Love it. I enjoy how the ball shows the city, equaliser levels and reflections.

rincon Oct. 17 '09

waooo, what a beautiful work here,congrat brother deserve being here

almosh82 Oct. 18 '09

thank you so much John,Jonathan,Chris,dbunk,rincon and Glen for your feedback and floats:)

pjm Oct. 21 '09

this is hella tight. great work!

AMP Oct. 23 '09

great logo. love the type.

bzmillerboy Dec. 07 '09

Very creative and cool logo! One question though, what if the owner wanted to print an all white sticker to place on the windshield of their car? How would you show the disco ball detail if the logo is a single color?

almosh82 Dec. 07 '09

Thanks!With regard to your question I don't think that will be problem at all.The details of the discoball can be shown in different shades of the single color.


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